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How to Adjust UPVC Windows

Are your UPVC windows giving you a hard time? Are they refusing to close properly or sticking when you try to shut them? It can be incredibly frustrating, but don’t worry! This guide is here to help you.

We will walk you through the step-by-step process of adjusting your UPVC windows so that they work flawlessly. First, we’ll assess the problem. Is it a height issue or do the sashes need readjusting? Maybe the hinges are causing the trouble? We’ll cover all these possibilities and give you easy-to-follow instructions on how to fix them.

How to adjust UPVC windows

What tools do you need to adjust UPVC window hinges

To adjust UPVC window hinges, you’ll need a Phillips head screwdriver and an Allen wrench. These tools will allow you to make the necessary adjustments to the hinges on the side of the window.

The Phillips head screwdriver is used to loosen or tighten the screws that hold the hinges in place. By adjusting these screws, you can change the position of the hinge and ensure that the window opens and closes smoothly.

The Allen wrench, on the other hand, is used to adjust the tension of the hinge. By turning the Allen wrench, you can increase or decrease the tightness of the hinge, allowing for better alignment and operation of the window.

Make sure to focus on the hinge side of the window when using these tools to adjust your UPVC windows.

Window Hinges

To adjust UPVC windows, you’ll need to focus on the window hinges and make necessary adjustments. The hinges play a crucial role in ensuring that your windows open and close smoothly. If you notice that your windows aren’t closing properly or are sticking, it may be due to misaligned hinges.

To adjust the hinges, you can start by checking if they’re securely fastened to the frame. If they’re loose, tighten the screws to ensure a proper fit. Additionally, if the hinges are rusted, lubricating them can help improve their alignment.

Properly aligned hinges will ensure that your UPVC windows function properly and provide a secure seal.

Determining your window type

To determine your window type and make the necessary adjustments, you’ll need to know the specific steps for different window styles.

For casement UPVC windows, you’ll need to adjust the hinges.

For top hung UPVC windows, you’ll need to adjust the stay arm.

Tilt and turn windows involve adjusting the handle and locking mechanism.

For centre pivot Velux windows, you’ll need to adjust the pivot bar.

Understanding your window type is crucial in successfully adjusting your UPVC windows.

How to adjust casement UPVC windows

To adjust casement UPVC windows, start by identifying the adjustment screws on the window frame. These screws are what you’ll need to adjust the height of your casement window. Once you locate them, use a Phillips head screwdriver to loosen the screws.

Then, you can either lift or press the window sash to adjust its height. This simple guide will help you make the necessary adjustments to your UPVC casement windows.

How to adjust top hung UPVC windows

To adjust top hung UPVC windows, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the tilt and turn mechanism and locate the adjustment screws near the hinges.

Using a Phillips head screwdriver, make small adjustments to the screws, being careful not to cause damage.

Test the window after each adjustment to ensure proper opening and closing.

This will help maintain the functionality of your double glazed windows.

How to adjust a tilt and turn window

To adjust a tilt and turn window on your UPVC windows, you’ll need to determine the type of window you have. Familiarize yourself with the tilt and turn mechanism, including the handle, hinge bearings, stay arm bearing, and locking pins.

Look for adjusting screws in the hinge bearings for modern casement windows. If you have an older model without these adjustment elements, it’s recommended to seek professional help to adjust the window frame properly.

How to adjust centre pivot on Velux windows

When adjusting the centre pivot on Velux windows, you can follow these steps to ensure proper alignment and functionality.

First, locate the adjustment screws on each side of the window frame.

Using a screwdriver, turn each screw clockwise to raise the window or counterclockwise to lower it.

Make small adjustments until the window is level and closes properly.

This will help maintain the functionality of your UPVC windows.

Replace the window hinge if adjustments fail

If adjustments to your UPVC window fail, you should consider replacing the window hinge. The window hinge plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the window, and if it’s worn or damaged, it can prevent the window from closing properly and affect its seal.

To replace the hinge, start by removing the screws that hold it in place. Then, carefully remove the old hinge and replace it with a new one that matches the size and type of your window. Secure the new hinge in place with the appropriate screws and ensure that it’s aligned correctly.

Regular adjustment prevents the need for professional craftsmen

Regular adjustment of UPVC windows prevents the need for professional craftsmen. By regularly adjusting your UPVC windows, you can keep them in good condition and avoid the need for expensive professional help.

Adjusting UPVC windows is a simple task that homeowners and DIY enthusiasts can easily handle. By following the steps outlined in the guide, you can ensure that your windows continue to function properly. Regular adjustment helps maintain the functionality of the windows, preventing them from sticking or not closing properly.

This eliminates the need to contact a double-glazing company for professional assistance. By taking the time to adjust your UPVC windows regularly, you can save money and keep your windows in good working order.

Signs you need new uPVC windows

One of the signs that may indicate the need for new uPVC windows is when your window frames show signs of wear and tear.

If you constantly need to adjust your window because it has warped or if it’s sticking when you try to open or close it, these are clear signs that your windows may need to be replaced. Warped windows can be a result of age, weather conditions, or poor installation.

Sticking windows can be caused by various factors such as misalignment or damaged hardware. If you find yourself constantly struggling to open or close your windows, it may be time to consider investing in new uPVC windows that open and close smoothly without any issues.

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What is the benefit of adjusting my windows

The benefit of adjusting your windows is improved functionality and increased energy efficiency. By loosening the screws and making necessary adjustments, you can ensure that your windows open and close smoothly. If your windows have a tilt and turn mechanism, adjusting them can help you achieve the desired angle for ventilation.

Additionally, lifting the window to the correct height can prevent it from sticking when shutting. Adjusting your windows also allows you to create a tighter seal, which helps prevent drafts and improves energy efficiency.

Will I damage the window by adjusting it

If you adjust your UPVC windows following the provided guidelines, you won’t damage the window.

When adjusting your UPVC windows, it’s important to focus on the side of the window where the sashes are located. Loosening and tightening the screws on this side will allow you to readjust the sashes without causing any harm.

If your windows aren’t opening or closing properly, you can try turning the screws clockwise to tighten them and improve the functionality. On the other hand, if the sashes are too tight, you can turn the screws counterclockwise to loosen them.

How often should I adjust my windows

You should adjust your windows at least once a year to ensure they continue to function properly. Regular adjustments are important to address any issues that may arise with your UPVC windows.

Adjusting your windows can help with problems such as windows not opening or closing properly. By making necessary adjustments, you can ensure that your windows operate smoothly and securely.

It’s recommended to adjust your windows if you notice any difficulties in their operation, such as sticking or misalignment. Regular maintenance and adjustment of your UPVC windows can help improve energy efficiency, prevent drafts, and reduce the risk of air leaks.

When should I adjust my windows

To determine when to adjust your windows, it’s important to be aware of any signs or issues that may indicate the need for adjustment. If you notice that your UPVC windows aren’t properly closing or are difficult to open, it may be time to make some adjustments.

Another sign that your windows may need adjustment is if you feel drafts coming through when the window is opened or closed. Additionally, if you notice that the window sashes aren’t aligning properly or are uneven, this may also indicate that an adjustment is needed.

One way to make adjustments to your UPVC windows is by tightening or loosening the screws at the side of the window. To raise the height of the window, turn the screws clockwise.

Will adjusting double glazed windows to stop draughts

Adjusting double glazed windows can effectively stop draughts and improve the energy efficiency of your home. If you’re experiencing draughts, there are a few steps you can take to address the issue.

Firstly, check for any gaps or cracks around the window frame and seal them with caulking or weatherstripping.

If the draught is coming from the actual window, adjusting the double glazed windows may be necessary. To do this, locate the adjustment screws on either side of the window and use a screwdriver to turn them clockwise to tighten the window.

It’s a good idea to make small adjustments and test the window after each turn to ensure you achieve the desired result.

If you’re unsure about the adjustment process or have different types of windows, it’s always a good idea to consult a professional double glazing company for assistance.

Why do uPVC windows drop

UPVC windows may drop due to misalignment between the sash and the frame, causing them to stick or rest above the frame when shut. If you notice that the window isn’t closing properly and is hanging lower on the left side, it’s likely that the window has dropped.

To fix this issue, you can try adjusting the hinges. Start by holding the window in the open position and locate the screws on the hinges. Use a screwdriver to turn the screw on the hinge clockwise or counterclockwise to raise or lower the window accordingly. Keep adjusting until the window closes properly.

Remember to check the alignment and make sure the window is level before tightening the screws.

What happens when a uPVC window drops

When a uPVC window drops, you may experience issues with proper closure and alignment. The drop of the window can cause the sash to stick against the frame or seal, making it difficult to open or close the window smoothly.

In some cases, the dropped window may rest about an inch above the frame when shut, creating a gap that allows drafts to enter. This can result in energy loss and decreased insulation efficiency.

Additionally, a dropped uPVC window may require the lock position to be adjusted for a better seal. By using an Allen wrench, you can tighten or loosen the lock position to create a tighter seal and improve energy efficiency.

Are Top-Hung Windows Harder to Adjust?

If you’re wondering whether top-hung windows are more challenging to adjust, let’s explore some FAQs on the topic.

Top-hung windows can indeed require a bit more effort to adjust compared to other types of windows. This is because the hinges are located at the top of the window frame, making them harder to access.

However, with the right tools and techniques, adjusting top-hung windows can still be done. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take necessary precautions.

If you’re unsure or uncomfortable with the process, it’s recommended to seek professional assistance from a double-glazing company. They have the expertise and experience to properly adjust top-hung windows and ensure their proper functioning.


In conclusion, adjusting UPVC windows is a DIY task that can save you money and ensure your windows function properly. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can easily fix issues like sticking or improperly closing windows.

However, it’s important to know when to seek professional assistance for more complex adjustments.

Regular maintenance and adjustment of your UPVC windows can prevent the need for costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Picture of Sean


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